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Samsung F8000 (75 型) SAMSUNG Samsung Smart TV 把電視變得更有智慧! ... 時時更新Smart TV 專屬Samsung Apps 包含Youtube、CNN,獨家Fitness (健身)、Kids (幼兒樂園),與為 ...
Samsung F7500 (55 型) 現在,有了鏡像分享功能,您將不需外接HDMI 線,透過無線網路,鏡像分享(Screen Mirroring)即可將行動裝置的畫面同步分享至Smart TV,讓更多親朋好友一起在大 ...
[達人分享] Samsung Smart TV F8000 開箱實測| 台灣三星電子 2013年7月4日 - 我們請到了3C 達人Kisplay 來為大家做Samsung Smart TV F8000 的開箱,除了豐富實拍 ...
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TV | SAMSUNG Canada - Samsung US | TVs - Tablets - Smartphones - Cameras - Laptops - Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. Certain Samsung Smart TV features may not be available without express consent to the collection and ...
三星smart Tv - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Amazon.com: Samsung UN48H6350 48-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart LED TV: Electronics Experience vivid color and dramatic contrast with the Samsung 55" Class 1080P Smart LED HDTV. Your favorite movies, sports and shows will be more vibrant, dynamic and detailed with Micro Dimming technology, which makes your whites whiter, your blacks deep
Windows Media Center with Samsung Smart TV - Microsoft Community I recently purchased a Samsung series 8 Smart TV. It has a feature that will allow me to use the televisions built in guide and integrate it with the set top box that I use. However I use a Windows Media Center PC. The Samsung set top box setup has me ent